Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 1 of summer session

so i moved in finaly at bout 1am, went to sleep( roomate was already sleping), woke up at 7, showerd, had bacon, bagel n eggs in the International house dining hall for breakfast and went for first class calculas 1a.

teacher is cool, hes a grad student. class went ok, first hour he taught, 2nd hour he made us solve questions in groups.

gave homework, 30 questions, i think hes goin to give 30 qs a day. anyway he made it compulsory that we each c him at least once in the first week during his office hours to ask questions. so i got mine out of the way. found out i had to buy the textbook cuz they changed editions and the questions r all out of order. darn.

had lunch, some sorta pasta and went for spanish. joker he taught 3/4 of the class in spanish.

NO ENTIENDO!!!! (dont understand)

well, watever, i guess thats the only wat to get us to learn.

its pretty fun, thers bout 15 of us in the class, n i think well spend a lot of time talkin to each other, so i think ill get 15 more friends, lol.

anyway, my roomates from china, as i write this hes next to me stresin cuz he doesnt know how do his work.

i should get back to my spanish work, 10 pages of reading n answering questions, not so bad right?

but i dont understand almost every word......

no pain no gain or something like that, ill get this.

all right, thats it for now,

oh, today i decided i dont have time to work during the summer, so im not goin to search for jobs anymore in the summer. ill just wait till the fall.

tonight the I house had free salsa dancing lessons, kinda cool, i just watched for 5 mins.

mayb ill participate next week if i dont have any work.



  1. 2 things.

    Total immersion - the best way to learn a language.

    If you wanna salsa, you better salsa. You're never going to "not have work" in college.

  2. hahaah, yes bosses

    ill check it out next week
