Saturday, August 15, 2009

Summer 2009 Acounts

so, i decided to keep a pretty acurate account of how much the summer session costs me. I will try to not spend any xtra money on things i dont need, and well c how much it costs.

So, so far we have.

Room and board at the I house -------- 2300
Tuition fees ------------- spanish --- 1270
-------------------------- calculas -- 1016
campus fee --------------------------- 0092
transit fee -------------------------- 0034 (wow i better use the transit system)
textbooks --------------- spanish ---- 0252
------------------------ calculas----- 0060
Rec center --------------------------- 0010
IM soccer (2 diff teams, 25 X 2) ----- 0050
Food --------------------------------- 0106
Alcatraz tour ------------------------ 0050
Trips to c bro ----------------------- 0040
Entertainment ------------------------ 0020
Weekend trips ------------------------ 0060
Vegas -------------------------------- 0400
clothes ------------------------------ 0030

total : ------------------------------ 5790

Thats it, looks like the total cost for 8 weeks of college in the summer was just less than 6000 (with a trip to vegas though :) )

well i had a good time, n i passed spanish, prob got a B in math, got off to a good start, I think it was kinda worth it, especially since 2000+ was in scholarships :)


  1. It's good to be keeping your accounts. You should also keep track of how much you spend, how much you earn, how much tax you pay and all that. then at the end of your degree, you can calculate your total expenditure and savings.

    so financially you're doing ok?

  2. lol, ok as in i can pay fees all the time yeah, but how much i graduate with loans, thats the question. but should b ok la, when i graduate, just gota save money n pay back, then itll all b good
