Wednesday, October 21, 2009


so they have this magazine here written by students, its supposed to be funnny, and it is mostly, i dont get all the jokes, but heres a post.

Internationally renowned impersonators The Yes Men revealed at a press conference yesterday they have been impersonating internationally renowned impersonators The Yes Men for the past ten years.

"No one in the organization had any clue," said Yes Men spokesman imitator Mike.

"I think we've done a good job of exposing The Yes Men for what they are: a bunch of frauds," said imitation Yes Men spokesman imitator Mike.

The Yes Men are expected to release a video of their exploits later this year, which is certain to discredit The Yes Men while finally giving The Yes Men their due acclaim.
-Max Ebert

Anyway, they give them out free in the middle of campus, so take one if you want a laugh, all tho warning, not everything is funny, some stuff is just sick, others are dumb enuf to tickle.

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